共发表期刊和会议论文30余篇,包括IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and System、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System I,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices等,授权国际专利9项。
[J14] Liu Y, Urso A, da Ponte RM, Costa T, Valente V, Giagka V, Serdijn WA, Constandinou TG,Denison T. , ”Bidirectional bioelectronic interfaces: System design and circuit implications.” in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 2020 Jun 23;12(2):30-46. .
[J12] Y. Liu, T. G. Constandinou and P. Georgiou, ”Ultrafast Large-Scale Chemical Sensing With CMOS ISFETs: A Level-Crossing Time-Domain Approach,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1201-1213, Dec. 2019.
[J10] Y. Liu, J. L. Pereira, and T. G. Constandinou. “Event-driven processing for hardware-effcient neural spike sorting”. In: Journal of neural engineering 15.1 (2018), p. 016016.
[J7] Y. Liu, S. Luan, I. Williams, A. Rapeaux, and T. G. Constandinou. “A 64-channel versatile neural recording soc with activity-dependent data throughput”. In: IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 11.6 (2017), pp. 1344-1355.
[J4] Y. Liu, A. Al-Ahdal, P. Georgiou, and C. Toumazou. “Minimal readout scheme for ISFET sensing arrays based on pulse width modulation”. In: Electronics letters 48.10 (2012), pp. 548-549.
[J3] Y. Liu, P. Georgiou, T. Prodromakis, T. G. Constandinou, and C. Toumazou. “An extended CMOS ISFET model incorporating the physical design geometry and the effects on performance and offset variation”. In: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 58.12 (2011), pp. 4414-4422.