主要从事超低功耗的数模混合集成电路设计及生物医疗电子研究。曾就职于美国Second Sight Medical Products及Agere Systems和中国华为公司。现(曾)主持国家、省部级、企业创新研究项目9项,包括国家自然科学基金、973项目子课题、863项目子课题、国家归国留学人员基金、上海市科委科技攻关项目、企业科技创新项目等多项科研项目,累计项目经费超过1500万元。
发表国际同行评阅期刊及会议论文近百篇,其中SCI期刊论文20余篇,所发表的论文被引用次数1462次(Google Scholar),近三年被引用次数年均增长约130次,H指数为15。获得多个奖项,包括国际论文奖1次,国内论文奖1次,上海交大优异学士论文(全校前1%)指导教师奖5次,其它交大教学类奖项4次,集成电路竞赛指导教师奖5次,交大年度考核优秀2次,并于2018年荣获上海交大“教书育人三等奖”。
目前是IEEE的高级会员(Senior Member),并担任IEEE 电路与系统学会(CASS)副主席、生物医疗电路与系统领域的国际顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS,影响因子4.3) 的主编(Editor-in-Chief)。
Qingsong Xie, Min Wang, Yang Zhao, Ziran He, Yongfu Li, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian., “A Personalized Beat-to-Beat Heart Rate Detection System from Ballistocardiogram for Smart Home Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. ( Click here to download!)
Qingsong Xie, Yongfu Li, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian , “An Unobtrusive System for Heart Rate Monitoring Based on Ballistocardiogram Using Hilbert Transform and Viterbi Decoding,” in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. ( Click here to download!)
Qingsong Xie, Shikui Tu, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian, Lei Xu , “Feature Enrichment Based Convolutional Neural Network for Heartbeat Classification From Electrocardiogram,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 153751-153760, 2019. ( Click here to download!)
Boxiao Liu ; Guoxing Wang ; Yongfu Li ; Lei Zeng ; Hui Li ; Yue Gao ; Yixin Ma ; Yong Lian ; Chun-Huat Heng, “A 13-Channel 1.53-mW 11.28-mm2 Electrical Impedance Tomography SoC Based on Frequency Division Multiplexing for Lung Physiological Imaging,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 938-949, Oct. 2019.
Wei-Long Zheng, Kunpeng Gao, Gang Li, Wei Liu, Chao Liu, Jing-Quan Liu, Guoxing Wang, Bao-Liang Lu*, “Vigilance Estimation Using a Wearable EOG Device in Real Driving Environment,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ( Early Access )
Mingyi Chen*, Ho Sung Chun, Iván Dario Castro, Tom Torfs, Qiuyang Lin, Chris van Hoof, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian, Nick van Helleputte, “A 400 GΩ Input-Impedance Active Electrode for Non-Contact Capacitively Coupled ECG Acquisition With Large Linear-Input-Range and High CM-Interference-Tolerance,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 376-386, April 2019.
Min Wang, Zhe Li*, Qirui Zhang, Guoxing Wang*, “Removal of Motion Artifacts in Photoplethysmograph Sensors during Intensive Exercise for Accurate Heart Rate Calculation Based on Frequency Estimation and Notch Filtering”, in MDPI Sensors, vol 19, no.15, pp3312, July. 2019.
Fully integrated wide dynamic range optical receiver for near infrared spectroscopy, Microelectronics Journal (Accpeted)
Qirui Zhang, Qingsong Xie, Kefeng Duan, Bo Liang, Min Wang, Guoxing Wang*, “A Digital Signal Processor (DSP)-based System for Embedded Continuous-time Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring Using Single-channel PPG Signal,” in SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 56, no. 1013, pp102402.
Zhihong Luo, Guoxing Wang*, Khalil Yousef, Benjamin Lau, Yong Lian, and Chun-Huat Heng,, “A 0.0129mm2 DPLL with 1.6 2.0ps RMS Period Jitter and 0.25-to-2.7 GHz Tunable DCO Frequency Range in 55nm CMOS,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. ( Early Access )
Ting-I Chou, Kwuang-Han Chang, Jia-Yin Jhang, Shih-Wen Chiu, Guoxing Wang, Chia-Hsiang Yang, Herming Chiueh, Hsin Chen, Chih-Cheng Hsieh, Meng-Fan Chang, and Kea-Tiong Tang*, “A 1-V 2.6-mW Environmental Compensated Fully Integrated Nose-on-a-Chip,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 65, no. 10, pp. 1365-1369, Oct. 2018.
Zhe Zhang, Yongfu Li*, Guoxing Wang, and Yong Lian, “The Design of an Energy-Efficient IR-UWB Transmitter with Wide-Output Swing and Sub-Microwatt Leakage Current,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 65, no. 10, pp. 1485-1489, Oct. 2018.
Yuting Hou, Khalil Yousef, Mohamed Atef, Guoxing Wang*; Yong Lian, “A 1-to-1-kHz, 4.2-to-544-nW, Multi-Level Comparator Based Level-Crossing ADC for IoT Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 65, no. 10, pp. 1390-1394, Oct. 2018.
Mingyi Chen, Hengwei Yu, Guoxing Wang*, Yong Lian, “A Batteryless Single-Inductor Boost Converter With 190 mV Self-Startup Voltage for Thermal Energy Harvesting Over a Wide Temperature Range,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 889-893, June 2019.
Yuting Hou, Jiali Qu, ZhenZhen Tian, Mohamed Atef*, Khalil Yousef, Yong Lian, Guoxing Wang*, “A 61-nW Level-Crossing ADC With Adaptive Sampling for Biomedical Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 56-60, Jan. 2019.
陈曦, 周杰, 郭训华, 郑志恒, 李慧, 陈诚, 王国兴*, 用于电刺激人造视网膜系统的专用集成电路设计, 上海交通大学学报,第52卷,第10期,2018年。
Mingyi Chen, Min Wang, Hengwei Yu, Yadong Liu, Guanghui He, Yongxin Zhu, Guoxing Wang*, “A Self-Powered 3.26-µW 70-meter Wireless Temperature Sensor Node for Power Grid Monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65, no. 11, pp. 8956-8965, Nov. 2018.
Xianliang Luo, Yingmei Chen*, Mohamed Atef, Guoxing Wang*, “A 44 Gbit/s Wide-Dynamic Range and High-Linearity Transimpedance Amplifier in 130nm BiCMOS Technology.” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, issue 2, pp. 438-440, 2018.
Mohamed Atef*, Min Wang, Guoxing Wang, “A Fully Integrated High-Sensitivity Wide Dynamic Range PPG Sensor with an Integrated Photodiode and an Automatic Dimming Control LED Driver,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, no. 2, pp. 652-659, 15 Jan.15, 2018.
Guoxing Wang, Mohamed Atef, Yong Lian, “Towards a Continuous Non-Invasive Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring System Using PPG: Systems and Circuits Review,” in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 18, no. 3, pp. 6-26, 2018.
Guoxing Wang*, Xiyan Li, Miaorong Wang, Hang Yuan, Wei Xu, “Optimization of a Dual-Band Wireless Power and Data Telemetry System Using Genetic Algorithm,” in IEEE Design & Test, 35, no. 3, pp. 54-65, June 2018.
Guoxing Wang, Timothy Constandinou, “Brain and Circuits Take the Focus at BioCAS2016,” IEEE PULSE, 2016.
Weiwei Shi, Yongxin Zhu*, Tian Huang, Gehao Sheng, Yong Lian, Guoxing Wang, Yufeng Chen, “An Integrated Data Preprocessing Framework Based on Apache Spark for Fault Diagnosis of Power Grid Equipment,” in Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 86, no.2-3, pp. 221-236, March 2017.
Xiaoqi Gu, Yongxin Zhu*, Shengyan Zhou, Chaojun Wang, Meikang Qiu*, Guoxing Wang, “A Real-Time FPGA-Based Accelerator for ECG Analysis and Diagnosis Using Association-Rule Mining,” in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 15, no.2, pp. 1-23, May 2016.
Nan Li*, Morgan Osborn, Guoxing Wang, Mohamad Sawan, “A Digital Multichannel Neural Signal Processing System Using Compressed Sensing,” in Digital Signal Processing, 55, pp. 64-77, Aug. 2016.